The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas author John Boyne has a shiny new release called Noah Barleywater Runs Away. Now, as I haven’t read Boy, I can’t do much in the way of comparing. But I do know that Boy was one of those books that worked for children and adults—that it was set in the world of children, but in a way that adults could understand it differently. Noah Barleywater Runs Away is, I feel, aimed more at children, though I’m a big proponent of Everyone Should Read Whatever The Hell They Want And No One Should Ever Make Them Feel Bad About It, so adults could (and undoubtedly will) read this too. Because while Noah has talking donkeys and magical doors, it also has a tinge of sadness that made me stop reading at one point on the train, lest I burst into tears and cause everyone to move into another carriage at speed.
Noah Barleywater is eight years old, and, upon reflection, doesn’t feel he’s done enough with his life. Sure, he came third in the 500 metres at Sports Day the year before, and he knows the capital of Portugal (it’s Lisbon), but it’s about time he really went out and achieved something. So he runs away from home early one morning to do so. And on the way he encounters many extraordinary places and people, as eight-year-olds are wont to do in books about running away (because a more realistic book would be something short like “he ran away and then hid in a bus stop until someone saw him, called the police and he was sent home.”)
More than a little influenced by the likes of Enid Blyton and glorious old fairytales, he meets a talking tree in the first village who pleads with him not to steal its apples; by the next village, shortly afterwards, Noah’s apple theft has made front-page news and he is considered a menace to society. Luckily for him, the third village is a lot more welcoming, and there he meets a kindly old toyshop owner, whittling away at a piece of wood and ready to share the story of his life with Noah. This old man was a runner so fast he’d be back from the edge of the city by the end of your sentence, and met the King and Queen, amongst other celebrities; but he was also a man filled with regrets. By sharing the story of his life, he causes Noah too to reflect on the real, heartbreaking reason why he’s run away from the family he loves so dearly.
Well I’ve made that sound all very serious, but I think it’s because of Noah’s straight and fairly dignified way of speaking (“Goodness!” he will say, unlike the sweary eight-year-olds I’ve encountered.) Noah does have a sense of humour, and the whole book is very entertaining, filled as it is with great adventures and talking animals and flashbacks of Noah’s recent, real-life adventures with his suddenly very animated mother. It’s definitely aimed at children—but, as it’s a secret little sequel to something much-loved by adults, anyone who likes to have a bit of fairytale fun when they read will have a ball. And then a bawl. (How do I not have a book contract yet with this startling wit?)
Of note also is the fact that the cover is illustrated by the fabulous Oliver Jeffers, who not only wrote Lost and Found and

I'm beyond new to this blogging thing, so commenting is new for me. Please forgive if I do something wrong, like causing the world to burst into flames just by pressing preview. I'm also a horrible speller.
ReplyDeleteThis book sounds great, and I also haven't been "graced" by the presence of The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas. They both seem appealing, but I just haven't mustered up the courage to go to Half Price Books to look for it. I have like a trillion books to read, but I just haven't gotten to them.
They are:
The Scarlet Letter (School)
My Antonia (School)
The Crucible (School)
Pride and Prejudice (School)
A Clockwork Orange (Personal)
Oh The Glory Of It All (Personal)
The Te Of Piglet (Personal)
Death In Venice (Personal)
The list goes on, but I'm super excited to read them.
But I digress, the review was awesome, and the end note is hope-worthy.
Thanks, Nash.
Oh, thanks for your comment! It is ridiculously hard to keep on top of all the books out there. My current list includes:
ReplyDeleteRules of Attraction by Bret Easton Ellis (I nabbed a personalised signed copy by him when he stopped by the store here in Melbourne)
Villain by Shuichi Yoshida (which isn't very good yet, but I'll give it more time)
Saints of New York by RJ Ellory (or Ellroy, I can never remember which)
I Came To Say Goodbye (Caroline Overington)
Of your list I've only read The Crucible (good) and Pride and Prejudice though...uh...I may have given up on P&P about twenty pages from the end and watched the great BBC adaptation of it instead because it involved more Colin Firth than the book did. Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, however, I finished with excitement.
And no, you didn't cause the world to burst into flames, just a small spot fire in the corner of my lounge which I put out fairly easily.